Saturday, October 3, 2009

Our Toybox Goes International: It's Barbie, UAE style

The box for the male doll, Jamil.

The box for the female doll, Jamila. I have to admit that I've seen no pink sports cars around here, but I appreciate the statement she's making.

The female doll right out of the box.

Her hands have henna...

as do her feet. Rad!

Under her abaya, she's wearing this sensible outfit...

and under her clothes, she's permanently modest.
(Are those Spanx?)

Compare her to trampy American Barbie... Where are your undergarments, young lady?

The male doll right out of the box.

Dig the goatee!

Under his robe, he wears only his undershirt and shorts...

which are removable. Nice six-pack!

Hey Ken, get thee to a gym.


Al said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!! This is killing me!! "under her abaya...sensible outfit" - "under her clothes...PEMANENTLY MODEST!"....But Jamil has six pack abs! This makes perfect sense and is in keeping within the moral fabric of the UAE. I would expect nothing less! That trampy Barbie better through on a hajib if you head over to sight see in Saudi Arabia!

Al said...

I mean throw on a hijab!

Anonymous said...

You are a trip! I love it.